Weaning: This is the process of introduction of food other than mother’s milk to a baby. Mother’s milk is best for baby and solid food are not a substitute for mother’s milk. Breast feed or bottle, milk provides necessary nutrients for the baby. But when baby grows, it needs solid food, in addition to mother’s milk. Usually weaning starts from 6 months. But some babies may need weaning earlier.
Signs that you should start weaning:
- Baby is hungry, even after usual milk feed.
- The baby wakes up in the middle of night and demand more milk.
- Even after frequent milk feeding, baby remains hungry and cry for more.
Check with your doctor, before starting solid food, to decide, your baby’s individual need.

Mother & Baby
This is the most sacred and sensitive relationship in human life. A new mother always wants to do the best for her baby; but could sometimes be confused, about what to feed the baby, when and how much quantity.What are the normal growth patterns for a healthy baby etc. Its always better to ask your family physician or paediatrician, when you are in doubt.

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